Monday, June 22, 2009

Blessed Litha

Yesterday was Litha, the summer solstice. To celebrate the holiday I held a ritual to re-dedicate myself to the study of the craft and to the Divine. It was a wonderful rite and I had a couple interesting experiences. At the end of the rite I did some divination work with my crystal ball (first time I've used it) and the flame of a candle. I say for a while and let images come to me. I saw a few faces pass by, but one image that stayed for quite a while was my dog (that we just had to put down a couple weeks ago), so that was pretty special. Then, when I was finished I reached over to pick my glasses up off the floor next to me and noticed a large spider. It seemed like it was just sitting there watching me work, because before I even moved to get up it left. It was so strange, but so cool at the same time (I suppose it's a good thing that I'm not afraid of spiders!).

As I thought about the spider, I realized that spiders have emerged as a common theme lately. They keep coming to me in odd situations. First I was at school and as I was leaving the classroom there was a spider that crawled across the floor and a couple girls shrieked and one kept yelling at the other to step on it. I told them to let it go, that it wasn't hurting anyone. Afterward I felt really good about what I did for the spider (which was strange to me). Then I was at the zoo and was walking into an exhibit when someone behind me stopped me because there was a big spider on my shirt and they brushed it off. Then the one last night. I think I need to explore what my guides are trying to tell me.

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